Monday 16 April 2012

A Radio ad for my Local Newspaper

Because it was very difficult to find a national newspaper ad, let alone a local newspaper radio ad, I researched into newspaper advertisements that can get away with an audio outlet;

The Independent ad
The "don't do" list sounds very aggressive even though there is a hidden meaning to it - that people have their own freedom and say in its contents as it is owned by no-one . Also, this goes very well with the soft piano  in the background. So, clearly my understanding from this advertisements is that the radio ad should have a powerful if not strong start for attention or meaning of a particular subject and how important it is that the background music and dialogue compliment each other.

The Sun ad
Sometimes it does not even require background music - a mixture of voices adds to the theme. The mixture of dialogues and ongoing, correlating conversations about subjects within The Sun is very useful in advertising its ideas and gossip. Also, it was topped up by a freebie to attract the viewer further. Then the newspaper name at the end, reinforced with its slogan added to the establishment of the newspaper.

The Daily Mail ad
This advertisement is solely on its introduction to the new freebie adding to the marketing techniques ,increasing its consumers. The description and yet exaggerated TV listings magazine was the main focal point of the ad. I should bear this technique in my mind whilst constructing the radio ad - the dialogue should be meaningful and have a purpose. 

The Guardian ad
Although it is quite long for an advertisement, the very engaging narrative and dramatic sound effects automatically engages the listener. Then the different herd of voices, even in different languages creates confusion and interest - as if almost the ad is expressing world connectedness and involvement.

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