Friday 6 April 2012

Primary School for Autistics

Every page two of a local newspaper had a dominant news story based on my research into real media products. Again I followed typical codes and conventions such as the headline, strap line and the news story about a new local class from autistic children. Members of the local community are interested in what schemes or projects their local area is carrying out, as some would say that is the whole purpose of a local newspaper - to keep members of the local area informed. I found out a local school close to the area I live in introduced a project to help and support children with autism so I managed to book an appointed with the head teacher of Gladstone Park Primary school to ask couple of questions about this new project. Although it was hard to get hold of the head teacher, the interview was not very formal as you can see from the video she was in a rush and was not wearing garments a head teacher would usually wear. The questions are stated below;

  • Gladstone Park Primary School opened its new autistic support classroom last month. How has this benefited the school and how does this make you feel?
  • How effective is the support by staff and the students?
  • Can you predict the outcome if more projects aimed at autistic would provide?

The head teacher also allowed me to take a picture of one of the children's class;
Original picture taken of the class

Edited picture taken of the class

I deliberately cropped the image to make the main focus on the smiling children and the teacher. Also, I added brightness, sharpness and contrast to the picture to make it more authentic.

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