Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Generally, I have learned that the structure and layout of my front cover of the local newspaper is carried out in a professional and clear way, especially in the representation of the main news story. However, a lot of people had questioned the white on black effect. This is maybe because the people I had asked did not study newspaper. Also, the masthead was clear for many people..There are arguably too many colours and layout may seem a bit amateur, however, the pictures are very persuasive and attractive. On page 2 of the local newspaper, straight away viewers commented on the amount of text published and amount of news stories. I understood this and had taken this into account that more pictures should be added although it was difficult. However, based on my research into real products, 3-4 news stories on page 2 were consistent. But on the whole again the structure and layout of the page was done in a professional way and the page looks very visually genuine as everything on the page compliment each other such as the colours, stories, pictures and headlines. Furthermore, one person may say my poster for my local newspaper looks like a police magazine whereas another person may say it looks as if it is advertising a poster for a newspaper. Therefore, I brought emphasise to a brand new local newspaper and its price tag to make it more localised. I also placed the newspaper name and slogan on the centre of the poster so that it becomes the central point of the poster and made the image smaller. For the radio ad, generally the dialogue is good and is complimented by the background music but music is a bit loud. However, a lot of people are not familiar to radio compared to print and video. Consequently I carried out a focus group during my production;

Please there are focus group videos on the CD

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