Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The camera and the photoshop software were the most frequent forms of media technologies used during the stages in the advanced portfolio. In terms of constructing the newspaper and poster, I used Microsoft office publisher for designing and applying code and conventions and the standing elements of a newspaper such as the use of five columns on the front cover and the use of colour. On the front cover, I used a very high quality Panasonic digital camera with high mega-pixels to catch very snappy pictures of the three convicts in the court. A lens helped me to zoom into their faces and catch their facial expressions. Furthermore, uploading the images on photoshop and then manipulating them in terms of contrast, sharpness, brightness and cropping. This allowed more professional and glamorous images. The cropping into the heads and a bit of the neck gave a celebrity focus onto their facial expressions so that the audience feel shocked but yet amused.

I used a very similar camera to this

Similarly, all the photos on page two of the newspaper were cropped and then manipulated through sharpness, contrast and brightness. However the photos taken on page two were all simple still images for objects and for posing, still images of people which were much easier then the photos taken on page one. The woman of the hair and beauty advertisement had contrast mainly added to her to allow emphasise on her beauty and cropping allowed her figure from her waist and above to be shown.

In terms of research, the internet (being a very simple but effective media technology) was a guide into constructing the newspaper, poster and radio ad. It provided me to an insight of many real sample products. For example when I was researching for how posters were used to advertise and compliment the newspaper, just typing in “the independent poster ad” would provide the results. These results helped me in understanding I should apply similar standing elements, codes and conventions.

For planning, Microsoft office publisher was very good for trial and error for the newspaper and poster. I kept constantly changing the font size, the colour, the size of the text boxes, etcetera, until the codes and conventions would be organised in a professional way. For example, page two of the newspaper was very compact with space – just adding one word would change the whole layout of page two, so adjusting news stories in a perfect sized text box was only possible through trial and error. Similarly, during the radio ad I used trial and error for toning the voice of the speaker, formality and speed of the dialogue through a microphone (connected using USB cable). This was very quick and efficient in carrying out the radio ad, as it was easy to manipulate.

During the evaluation stages, I recorded video from the iphone 4 to record my focus group. Again the media technology of an iphone allowed providing me with on-demand consumption and therefore it was easy to carry out the focus group. In the presentation of my blog, a blogging service allowed my product to be reviewed by large audiences very quickly. The online forum as well as providing interactivity of posting comments meant that my product was viewed by large audiences, increasing sales (if published). A blog also presented my advanced portfolio in a professional and organised way into evidence of how I came about in constructing the newspaper, poster and radio ad. Additionally, Sony Vegas Pro Ten is radio software that allowed me to merge the background music of the radio ad and the dialogue together. Softwares and hardwares are increasingly increasing in their capacity and their speed, which that merging the two together was not time consuming at all.

Please note there is an audio presentation of evaluation question 1 on the CD

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Generally, I have learned that the structure and layout of my front cover of the local newspaper is carried out in a professional and clear way, especially in the representation of the main news story. However, a lot of people had questioned the white on black effect. This is maybe because the people I had asked did not study newspaper. Also, the masthead was clear for many people..There are arguably too many colours and layout may seem a bit amateur, however, the pictures are very persuasive and attractive. On page 2 of the local newspaper, straight away viewers commented on the amount of text published and amount of news stories. I understood this and had taken this into account that more pictures should be added although it was difficult. However, based on my research into real products, 3-4 news stories on page 2 were consistent. But on the whole again the structure and layout of the page was done in a professional way and the page looks very visually genuine as everything on the page compliment each other such as the colours, stories, pictures and headlines. Furthermore, one person may say my poster for my local newspaper looks like a police magazine whereas another person may say it looks as if it is advertising a poster for a newspaper. Therefore, I brought emphasise to a brand new local newspaper and its price tag to make it more localised. I also placed the newspaper name and slogan on the centre of the poster so that it becomes the central point of the poster and made the image smaller. For the radio ad, generally the dialogue is good and is complimented by the background music but music is a bit loud. However, a lot of people are not familiar to radio compared to print and video. Consequently I carried out a focus group during my production;

Please there are focus group videos on the CD

Evaluation Question 2

 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The ancillary texts I constructed promote and compliment the main product. The masthead of the newspaper is promoted further on the poster to emphasise the title “Willesden Gazette”. This combination is important so that the audience familiarise themselves with the new newspaper. The fact that the headline “life for murder” on the newspaper is occupied on the poster indicates how important consuming the newspaper is – that even the headline is as important as the new newspaper launch itself. It also provides a very snappy and yet engaging teaser by having the main headline as the audience would want to read on. Also, the newspaper informal slogan, “Gazette-it off” reinforces the idea that the poster compliments the local newspaper.

Furthermore, Uncle Sam’s “Your country needs you” was changed in a way that it would suit knife crime. This pun of words would leave the audience bewildered but amused, as a poster is meant to play with emotions very suddenly. Uncle Sam’s poster was created in time of need and desperation. In the same way, the relationship of knife crime and the urge of tackling it. And of course the construction of images especially on the front covers of the newspaper and the poster. The three convicts and the police officer have deliberately been created in a very glamorous but serious way - a sign to its newspaper’s strong and political news. So, in this sense a scruffy police officer pointing at you would be effective in complimenting the stance and police-pro ideologies of the local newspaper.

The ancillary text (the radio ad) was also effective in the combination to the newspaper. The title “Willesden Gazette” was the first two words that the viewer would hear. Towards the end of the radio ad, the title was repeated; again this repetition promotes the newspaper’s name. Although, the ad was very simple, the formality and serious tone of the ad reflects its formal and serious news. Whereas a radio or television ad for The Sun newspaper is a “joke” along with soft stories like which celeb got kissed. Also, the informal slogan of “Gazette-it off reinforced the newspaper’s name. The 20p price tag is again reinforced in the radio ad as people would not pay a lot especially for a local newspaper. A local newspaper’s whole vibe is to present local issues and stories. Again this is promoted as the radio ad covers “wide issues ranging from violent crimes to community regeneration programmes and much more”. The radio ad acts like a direct conversation between the speaker and the listener such as being “connected”. In other words not being connected to Willesden Gazette news is a downfall. Finally, I have deliberately constructed Willesden Gazette platforms in a formal but amusing way. For example, the pun of words with “Gazette it off” at the end of the radio ad. This is also typical in the found in the newspaper. Even the soft background music portrays the fact that the newspaper is very simple in its design and news and effective at the same time, just like the music.

Furthermore, the ancillary texts are not only effective in complimenting the newspaper, but work to complement each other. The poster and radio ad both emphasise on the title “Willesden Gazette”, the brand new launch date/day and the unlimited supply of news, issues and information. Both work well in terms of advertising the main product.

Please note there is an audio presentation of evaluation question 2 on the CD